When we were tiling the floor in the master (downstairs) bathroom Mr. Remodel had Mr. Tile continue the tile into the bedroom a short way. This allows us to come into the bedroom with dirty or perhaps sandy feet without treading on the carpet. It also means that you don’t get constant wear in a well-traveled area.

With the master (downstairs) bedroom painted we could take down the old broken blinds (the only window coverings left behind) and put up new ones. These are very simple vertical Levelor blinds cut to size at Lowes.

For the living room we chose something a little fancier. These are cloth blinds with a grass cloth look on the front. They look really good but are a little bit of a pain when we pull them closed. The grass cloth fibres catch on each other so you have to separate them to get them to hang straight and flat. They look really good and we just put up with them, but we wouldn’t ever use them again.

I don’t think I’ve shown this light yet, or if I have I’ve forgotten. It is from Portfolio and matches the pattern on the lights in the kitchen.

Here is the fireplace with the new vented natural gas log set we bought from Lowes.

Testing the fireplace to be ready for colder days ahead.
I will be the first to admit that baseboards are not very exciting but here are some anyway. Baseboards really do have a way of finishing a room.

In the master bedroom we had to pull up more carpet to put the baseboards in but we are still sleeping in there. Thankfully Mr. R has left us some carpet to sleep on!

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