Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Update: Living Room

Anything happening in the living room? Let’s see.

Well, Evil insulation trapped in black bags is still there but we have a new friend in the lower right-hand corner in the form of Mr. Fix-It’s compressor. It’s very noisy but very necessary for powering the nail gun which makes nailing in beams and two-by-fours and the like, SO much easier than a using a hammer. In fact, good luck nailing the forms onto the concrete some other way. But very noisy. Very.
I found the nail gun a little intimidating. Mr. Remodel or someone had a habit of putting it down still attached to the compressor and switched on facing the toilet. This made using the toilet even less pleasant than it already was, although Mr. R assured me that Bond films not withstanding (Casino Royale) nails only shoot out if the gun is pressed against a surface. That may be so but I was taking no chances and attended to business very quickly.
But enough of that - check out that a portion of the black bag wall has been taken down and plywood has taken its place! Look you can see more of it further along covering what used to be the old doorway. It’s the earthquake shear wall nailed in place. It’s also a step towards having a private bathroom space.

And you know what the erection of the shear wall means don’t you? That’s right, we passed our framing inspection. Which means we first passed our mechanical, electrical, and plumbing inspections. After weeks and weeks of work it was a big relief to pass all the relevant inspections. Hooray for us and a plastic cup of water for everyone who guessed right (sorry, the money for champagne went on nails and two-by-fours).

Okay so now what happens? You in the back. Yes, it means we can now start putting up drywall! Putting up. I like those two words. They have a much nicer sound than the words taking down.

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