Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What we started with

Because I am starting this months after we actually started the remodel, I don't have all the before photos I would like. We do have a video we took just prior to buying the home but Mr Remodel is too busy remodeling to edit for me! So I may show it at the end when we finally finish followed by a video of what it looks like now to get the full effect.
For now though here are the pictures I do have.

This shows the upstairs toilet that was leaking and the old and funky sink. Old and funky are words we used quite a lot to describe the fixtures throughout the house.
The house was built in the 1970's and although some improvements had been made in the living room and kitchen, most of the fixtures were, or at least looked, like they were the originals and they had not worn well.

Here is another view of the sink in the upstairs bathroom. I don't know if someone decided to paint it on purpose or if the previous owner's children had poured paint down there and not bothered to clean it up. Whichever it was, it was very reluctant to come off no matter how hard I scrubbed.

This is the kitchen (obviously). It doesn't look too bad from a distance, but the dishwasher didn't work and looks like it fitted in its space properly. the tile was cracked and broken in places, part of the oven was missing although it did work. The floor vinyl, which looked original, was very ugly and incredibly dirty and the cabinet doors look more beaten up on the front than the photo shows, while the insides were original to the house, of very cheap quality and lined with a rather unsavoury-looking liner that was equally as distasteful to touch.


  1. Yay! I'm so excited that you are doing this blog and that we'll get to see the house come together. You've done beautiful work before and I'm sure this will be no different. I do not envy all the work! I'm with Mrs. Remodel on this one -- where's the end?! Get me to the end! Love you!

  2. Some of the time I'm in denial, that there is not all this dust and chaos around me. I'm getting pretty good at it too. While I am willing myself on each day, Mr. Remodel is having the time of his life.
